JUNE 18, 2019
Holland Visioning Session 6
Redevelopment Vision Concept
On Tuesday, June 18, 2019 the Jersey City Housing Authority held the sixth and final session of the Holland Gardens Visioning Process. In this session, representatives from the design firm Kitchen & Associates reviewed the information presented to residents in the past 6 months that have led to a Redevelopment Vision Concept for Holland Gardens. The Redevelopment Vision presented by Kitchens & Associates encompasses Holland Gardens residents’ priorities for housing (such as one-to-one replacement of ACC units, clean air, parking, and improved apartments) while considering HUD regulations, financial considerations and limitations, and the surrounding neighborhood. The resulting vision is a mixed-income high-density building that would replace current ACC units on a one-to-one basis and include structural parking, space for retail/amenities, and larger unit sizes. Finally, JCHA’s Executive Director, Vivian Brady-Phillips, walked residents through the next steps of the Holland Gardens Revitalization including: presenting the results of the Visioning Process to the JCHA Board of Commissioners, publishing a Request for Qualifications and a Request for Proposals, and a predevelopment phase. Residents were assured that any relocation would not be occurring until Fall of 2021.